Sunday, January 20, 2008

Farrow's memorial ceremony barred

Hollywood actress Mia Farrow wanted to hold a genocide memorial ceremony with her group Dream for Darfur at genocide museum Toul Sleng, the former Khmer Rouge-prison, according to AP. She wanted to do this to call attention to the current situation in Darfur. Dream for Darfur is on a tour to visit seven countries that have suffered genocide. As part of the memorial Farrow would light an Olympic-style torch to press China to use its influence on Sudan. China is one of Sudan's major trading partners, and a major donor to Cambodia.

The Cambodian government did not agree to the ceremony, calling it a "political stunt to smear China", but Farrow insisted. Today, January 20th, police blocked Farrow's group of activists away from Toul Sleng sais AP. When the police started to forcefully push them away, they eventually left the site. No one was getting hurt.

The Cambodian governments action was criticized by the Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee.

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