Saturday, September 13, 2008

Threat of new HIV infection wave

A new anti-sex trafficking law poses a threat to Cambodia's "100 percent comdom use programme". The programme provides sex information and distributes condoms to sex workers. Asia One News reports that the new law was followed by police crackdowns on brothels, which has forced prostitutes to move from place to place leaving their condoms behind. A statement from the Cambodia AIDS authority said the main risk of a second wave of HIV infections is from female sex workers, reports Aisa One.

According to Asia One, Cambodia's HIV rate before the 100 percent comdom use program was initiated was the worst in the region. In 1997 3.7 percent of the population was infected, and the rate among prostitutes were estimated to as high as 40 percent. Since the programme began, the overall HIV rate has dropped to 0.9 percent.

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